Contoh penggunaan idiom
Arti idiom (as) hard as nails:
- sangat keras
- keras kepala
- keras/ulet dan agresif
- tak mengenal rasa takut
- tegas dan tanpa kompromi
- bersikap kasar/kejam dan tanpa ampun
- tidak peka, tidak berperasaan
Contoh penggunaan idiom (as) hard as nails dalam kalimat:
- Don’t try to bargain with Liz. She’s as hard as nails.
- Bob may seem sweet and easily swayed, but in fact he’s hard
as nails.
- The old loaf of bread was dried out and became as hard
as nails.
- Ann was unpleasant and hard as nails.
- Lou Ann knew the garment business and was hard as
nails when negotiating with the dress-makers.
- The teacher is as hard as nails. He’s strict
and accepts no excuses from students who do not do their work.
- He's a shrewd businessman and hard as nails.
- He is hard as nails on the subject of
campaign financing.
- He was a good man, hard as nails and soft as
butter, depending on the circumstances.
- Hemingway, hard as nails on the outside but
soft as a baby impala on the inside, was an archetypical son of the era.
- He is also an enigma to most of his staff, which has long been
baffled by the fact that he can, by turn, be boastful, humble, hard as
nails and sob-sister soft.
- Young Keith looks a great prospect, a fast and astute runner
with the ball, hard as nails in driving play, a good kicker
and passer.
- You are something else. I mean, sometimes I see you can be as
hard as nails, and then other times you're just this starry-eyed dreamer.
Idiom yang juga memiliki
makna yang serupa dengan idiom (as) hard as a nails adalah(as)
tough as nails